Friends of LaFollette Park Welcome to the Friends of LaFollette Park website!
Fall in LaFollette Park
Join us to raise awareness and collect food for the hungry in our community! Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt

© 2025-2026 Friends of LaFollette Park
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Upcoming Events

Empty Bowls
Pancake Breakfast & Easter Egg Hunt
Spring Park Clean-up Day
Movie Night
Music in the Park
The Great Pumpkin Hunt & Fall Fest
Fall Park Clean-up Day

Empty Bowls
Saturday, February 22
3:00-6:00 p.m.

Sample delicious soups made by West Allis area restaurants and benefit those in need at the same time! Soup meal is $8.00, kids 7 and under are $5.00. Entertainment provided by West Allis area student musicians. Baked goods available for sale. Event held in upper level of the park pavilion. In addition to financial proceeds, non-perishable food items will also be collected to benefit local food pantries. Participating restaurants include Double B's BBQ, Filippo's Italian Restaurant, My Auntie's Kitchen, Pallas Restaurant, Rupena's Fine Foods, State Fair Inn, Su Plus Two, West Allis Cheese and Sausage, and Wild Roots.

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Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 19
Breakfast: 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Egg Hunt: 11 a.m. SHARP

Enjoy a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage from 8:30-10:30 at the upper level of the park pavilion. Adults: $8.00 | Kids 3 - 11: $5.00 | Kids 2 and under eat free. Stay for the FREE Easter egg hunt! Children 11 of years of age and younger are welcome. The hunt starts promptly at 11 a.m. so arrive early to make sure you're ready when the hunt begins!

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Spring Park Clean-up Day

Saturday, May 3
9:00-11:00 a.m.

Help us get the Park ready for the summer season! We'll clean up garbage, rake leaves, get the flower boxes ready for planting and take on small repair/restoration projects. Scout troops and other volunteer groups welcome to help! Meet at the lower level of the park pavilion. Supplies provided. Bring your own gloves.

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Movie Night in the Park
Date TBD
Movie begins at dusk

Celebrate the start of summer by joining us for a free outdoor movie! Snacks available for sale. Bring a chair and non-alcoholic beverages.

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Blues, Brews & BBQ
Date TBD
Time: TBD

Come enjoy an early fall day at your neighborhood park and listen to music provided by talented artists! Food will be available for sale. We're restructuring this event to provide more fun for you!

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The Great Pumpkin Hunt & Fall Fest
Date TBD
Time: TBD

The Great Pumpkin is scheduled to stop at LaFollette Park and bring a pumpkin to every family who chooses to find one! Come for the hunt, stay for arts and crafts, cookie decorating, story time and games! Seasonal beverages will be sold by Fruity Fusions. This event is free and will be held at the upper level of the park pavilion. Please RSVP by commenting on the Facebook page set up for this event.

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Fall Park Clean-up Day
Saturday, November 1
9:00-11:00 a.m.

We'll gather to do a final clean-up of the park and minor repairs/restorations before winter comes. Scout troops and other volunteer groups are welcome to help!

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