Whether you're at LaFollette Park or any other place, protecting yourself and your family is important. The following topics provide tips to help you and your family stay safe:
Use Street Sense
Strolling: Day and Night
Help Kids Stay Safe
Use Street Sense
- Stay alert and tuned into your surroundings wherever you are.
- Send the message that you're calm, confident and know where you're going.
- Don't accept rides or gifts from someone you don't know well and trust.
- Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or situation and leave as soon as possible.
- Know the neighborhoods where you live, go to school and work. Keep in mind locations of fire and police stations. Carry a mobile phone with you, if possible. Remember which stores and restaurants stay open late.
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Strolling: Day and Night
- Try to walk in places with your friends or family members rather than alone.
- Stick to well-lighted, well-traveled streets. Avoid shortcuts through wooded areas, parking lots or alleys.
- Take the safest route to and from places. Know where to go for help if you need it.
- Don't display your cash or any other inviting targets like pagers, cell phones, hand-held electronic games or expensive jewelry and clothing.
- Carry backpacks or purses close to your body and keep it closed. Put a wallet inside your coat or front pants pocket, not in a back pocket or backpack.
- Have your car or house key in your hand before you reach the door.
- If you think someone is following you, switch directions or cross the street. If they're still there, move quickly toward an open store, restaurant or lighted house. Don't be afraid to yell for help.
- Have to work late? Make sure there are others in the building and that someone-a supervisor or security guard-will wait with you for your ride or walk you to your car or bus stop.
- Be alert in the neighborhood. Call police or tell an adult about anything you see that seems suspicious.
- If someone tries to rob you, give up your property-don't give up your life.
- Report any crime immediately to the police. Try to describe the suspect accurately.
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Help Kids Stay Safe
- Help kids recognize the signs of suspicious behavior, such as when an adult asks them to disobey their parents or do something without permission, asks them to keep a secret, asks children for help in a non-public or different location or makes them feel uncomfortable in any way.
- If kids need help, instruct them to go to a public place to ask for it such as local stores or restaurants or the homes of family, friends or trusted neighbors in the neighborhood.
- Make sure kids know it's okay to say "no" to an adult in a dangerous situation and to yell to keep themselves safe.
- Know where your children are at all times. Make it a rule that your kids must ask permission or check in with you before going anywhere. Give your children your work and cell phone numbers so they can reach you at all times.
- Point out safe places.
- Teach children to trust their instincts. Explain that if they ever feel scared or uncomfortable, they should get away as fast as they can and tell a trusted adult. Reassure them that you will help them when they need it.
- Teach your kids to be assertive. Make sure they know it's okay to say "no" to an adult and to run away from adults in dangerous situations.
- Encourage your children to play with others. There's safety in numbers!
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Provided by the National Crime Prevention Council.